Reasons for Business Failure
Recognizing the Causes of Business Failure
And How to Turn Them into
Small Business Success Stories!
You may have some valid reasons for business failure. You may be thinking “I’ve failed so many times, I can’t do this anymore.”
But I have some great news; You have a choice to meditate on all your reasons of business failure or turn your life into that smart and powerful woman (that I know you are) who has some fabulous small business success stories to share. So many women have and you can too!
Fear of failure is real, but you don’t have to live there. Please keep reading that sentence, I promise you'll break off the fear of failure in weeks! Really.
Afraid to try again? Afraid you’re gonna fail or fail again?
You’ve already tried at running a business but lost your shirt and home? That’s GREAT!
Wait, what? Did you just say “great” to my failures?
…I’m sure you are thinking right now, “Have you completely lost it?”
My answer: No, I don’t think so…
But what I do know is that every failure, loss, hopeless situation is a means to success, winning, and prosperity.
Of course you are welcome to live defeated, hopeless, depressed life and feeling like a victim – but my hope is that you will brush off that painful past and run towards your exciting future.
Let me share something with you my reasons for business failure and how I recognized the causes of business failure and turned it into some of the best small business success stories.
I have lost so much (money, home, pets, businesses, deaths, personal and emotional losses, and I can go on and on) that my former Sr. Pastor said to me, “Kelly, I have been pastoring, reading, studying, and have met so many people and I have never seen/read/know anyone who has lost as much as you – you are like the modern-day-Job (a character in the Bible – read the 42 chapters, trust me you’ll relate).
With so much loss and a horrible past, I chose to take my pain and turn it into good. I chose to stop thinking about my reasons for business failure and turned my thoughts towards wanting better.
I took my losses and learned what not to do and what I should do. I looked at all the things I did right and used that, and looked at what I didn’t do right and found ways to change it.
- Your past doesn’t define your future.
- Your failure doesn’t define you or your future.
- Your losses don’t need to stop who you want to become or do.
- If you don’t like the way your life has turned out you can make some changes to it and have a different outcome.
- You have the privilege to write the end of your story.
Although you’ve had great reasons for business failure, let’s take those causes of business failure and turn them in to fun and exciting small business success stories!
Life is full of choices, make enough good ones, you will eventually succeed!
Do I need to say the flip side to that statement? Probably not, but… continue to make bad choices and you get what you’ve chose.
But, But, But…
I know you’re thinking,
but I… if this didn’t happen… I didn’t do this… my husband… my ex… when I was a child… Yes, yes, yes, I know I had many excuses and lived in pity parties for many years. In reality, I married my husband. I made every choice in my life to get me to the end results – good and bad.
Once I was even sued, won the case but lost my home, my cat and dog, and all my belongings because it cost everything I had to fight. In reality, I still chose to partner with those people, I invited them in my life, even tried to sever ties with them and no matter what I did, they continually “convinced me” to stay.
They set me up for that situation, but ultimately, I chose to stay. My life ended up here because of my choices, period, end of story.
But That Doesn’t Mean That’s the END of Your Story!
- Excuses are what make you stuck in a situation.
- Freedom comes when you decide to stop thinking about it, telling yourself “if only,” and “telling everyone you would have succeeded but…”
- It’s time to STOP focusing on your reasons for business failure and focus on the next chapter in your life.
It’s so much fun-er, happier, and joyful-er. Try it, you’ll like it!
So now you know what not to do, let’s figure out what to do.
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