How to Be Content

...without Being Content with "Life as Usual!"

How to be content without being content with life as usual is to help you enjoy life, adding some wow and fun without being discontent with the life you've been "dealt."

Just because you've had a rough life doesn't mean that you have to continue on that path!

Then on the other hand, when we are in our comfort zone we feel confident and at ease, often feeling relaxed, snug even - and that can be a very pleasant place to be. The question is: have you overstayed your welcome?

Answer these questions briefly, before you score yourself below:

1. When was the last time you tried something new? ………………………………………………………….
2. How much are you learning and growing right now? ………………………………………………………..
3. Do you feel you're doing too much - or not enough? ………………………………………………………..
4. When was the last time you took a risk? ………………………………………………………………………….
5. Do you feel like it's time for a shift - or a change? …………………………………………………………….

So, where are you on the How to Be Content: Comfort Continuum?

Now, simply put an X on the line to represent how comfortable you are in your life right now:


Now, as you look at where you are on the comfort continuum, is this where you want to be? We need some time in our comfort zones to rest, but are you recharging or heading towards Snoozeville?



How to Be Content, Be Happy, and Enjoy Life: Finding Your Comfort Zone—making a promise to yourself.

Finally, what actions will you take to get moving? Think especially about things you have been putting off doing - perhaps because they leave you feeling uncomfortable! This could be anything from making that phone call, updating your resume to taking an exotic vacation or starting a new hobby or activity. Simply write your actions in the space below - and be as specific as you can!

1st Action: Something you can do now!

by when:_________________________

2nd Action:

by when:________________

3rd Action:

by when:________________

Way to go, I’m proud of you! Now doesn't that feel exciting?

Where to Go Next... Articles and Tools for Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

Living a Satisfied Life

A Failure to Success Story

Learning how to Set the Perfect Goal for Your Life

Great Organizing and De-Cluttering Ideas

True Meaning of Success in PDF

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